Introducing the domestic automatic water softener with an impressive capacity of 2000 Liters per hour, designed to meet your household water softening needs.
Automatic Valve: Choose between Time & Volume type for ultimate flexibility.
Regeneration type: Tailor your experience with Down-flow or Up-flow regeneration options.
PE Vessel: Available in sizes 1017 (10"x17") or 1035 (10"x35"), suitable for diverse requirements.
Resin: Offering a range of 12.5L to 25L Purolite Resin for enhanced water softening performance.
Brine Tank: Options include a 25L or 50L tank to efficiently manage salt usage.
Max flow rate: Experience superior performance with a flow rate between 1M3/H to 2T/H.
Inlet & Outlet Port: Designed with a 3/4"F configuration for seamless integration.
Power Supply: Compatible with 220V/110V at 50Hz/60Hz for versatile installation.
2,Sales Point
Fully automatic,microroprocessor controlledoperation as opposedto tedious &timeconsumingmanualregeneration processoffering asmooth, efficient,andhassle-freeexperience forusers, ensuringcontinuous,softwater supply.Ideal forhouseholdsrequiring reliableand consistentsoft watersolutions.Experience theconvenience of cutting-edgetechnology thatcaters toyourevery need.Offering ablend ofinnovation andefficiency.This system isperfect for those seekingan upgradefrom manualregeneration systems.Secure yourpeace ofmind withour state-of-the-artsoftener,crafted todeliver nothingbut thebest. Feel thedifference inyour waterquality today. Join acommunity thatenjoys thebenefits ofadvancedwater softeningtechnology.The perfectsolution foryour home.RemarkableEssential
AutomatedTransformationMagicTnC RegEneRATIon On a PReset TME or Volume
Self-operATIon WITHout assIsTancE of a TEchnIcian
Conversion Of HaRD WATE INTo SoFT WAThiswater softener operates by exchangingions of hard minerals, such as calciumand magnesium, withsodium ions, thussoftening thewater.This process ensuresthe table saltLCD panel is easytouse toeffortlessly settheregenerationtime or volume depending onyourspecificneeds.This allowsyoutoconveniently customizeoperationtosuit yourhouseholdrequirementswithout hassle.This unitfeaturesan intuitivedesignthat simplifiestheprocessofensuring high-quality water.Benefit from theadvancedtechnologyof Yuyao YadongPlastic Co.Ltd., and
enjoysoftenedwater forabetterhomeexperience withourEfficientCabinetWater Softener.Join the revolutionofenhancedlivingtoday.Withourinnovativesolutions,Yuyao Yadong Plastic Co.Ltd. isarmed to provideyouthebestquality ofwater foryourhomeneeds.nience
High capacity operation to facilitate regeneration number of times
Space saving design tank housing with brine tank
Maintenance free long life valve
3,Factory short view